GSA Client (Copy)

General Services Administration


Kansas City, Missouri | 140,000 SF | Tenant Improvements

With over 20 agencies and nearly 1,000 employees relocating to 2 Pershing Square, a unifying design concept was essential in creating cohesiveness and continuity throughout the seven floors occupied by the GSA. Open and transparent spaces create fluidity and are organized similarly on each floor with the use of accent colors and patterns for ease of circulation.

• Capstone “Office” Award


Kansas City, Missouri | 1,500,000 SF | Mater Plan/New Building/Tenant Improvements

The 185-acre campus was constructed and delivered under long-term, build-to-suit lease arrangement from 2008 through 2014. The 1,5000,000 SF, five building facility with 2,800 employees, constructs non-nuclear parts to support the inventory of the United States nuclear arsenal. The firm’s involvement included supporting the GSA during the solicitation, design, construction, and occupancy phases.